Thursday, August 30, 2018

Chapter 3 - Daytona, "Nothing is Everything"

Just finished writing Chapter 3 of  my novel "Track Lessons".  Protagonist and middle-aged roadracer, George, invites Jeri's 17 year old son,  JJ, to join him for the season-opening Harley race in Daytona. In addition to Georges exciting 10-lap race, their Daytona adventure includes some subtle fatherly advice from George to JJ.  After an intense 5 day adventure, JJ has become frustrated in his efforts to extract the secret-of-life from George, who was more focused on his 30 minutes on the track.  So, finally, on the 1000 mile drive home from the race, when JJ was trying to fathom Georges reaction to his second place race finish, George said to him "Winning isn't everything", JJ totally lost it, and a bit loudly, "OK! So WINNING is not everything, and you told me on our drive down that MONEY isn't everything, and at the restaurant with our beautiful waitress that BEAUTY isn't everything, and you're always telling me that!  So, GEORGE, what IS everything?".  George pauses to let JJ catch his breath and get ready for the answer, and then calmly answers "Nothing".  Silence.  And then finally JJ summarizes, "OK, so Nothing is Everything?".  "Yep". They had to pull the truck over to the side of the road, they both jumped out of the truck hopping around like crazy people and laughing like wild children.

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